Far From Home

far_largeWhen circumstances set 19-year-old Jo on the road, she doesn’t quite know where she is going—she’s just going. But due to the kindness of strangers, she finds her way to Cass’s Roadside Café, a side-of-the-road diner on a mountain pass in the middle of nowhere.

There, during one extraordinary, windy day in 1977, she meets an odd mix of travelers: an old woman who, informed she only has a few weeks to live, tells everyone exactly what she thinks of them—and then doesn’t die; a water-witcher who has had to come to terms with his unusual talent; a hippie who travels wherever the wind takes him; a friendly trucker; and a cast of local characters whose pasts have taught them invaluable lessons, and whose stories give Jo the strength and courage to face her past and depart on her own journey, once again.

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:: Far from Home is published as Wind Tails in Canada. For exerpts, reviews, and book club questions please see Wind Tails (click here)>>